Company information per § 6 Teledienstgesetz (TDG) (Teleservices Act) in Germany:
Conference and more GmbH
Bergstrasse 80
10115 Berlin
Tel: +49 (30) 644 99 79 20
Fax:+49 (30) 644 99 79 30
Management Board:
Bettina Marwinsky
Valentina Azzoni
Responsible for Content:
Bettina Marwinsky
Value Added Tax identification number (VAT):
Registration office:
AG Berlin-Charlottenburg
Registernumber: HRB 114729 B
Concept, text, design, realisation
orangeblue relations gmbh,
Elke Hartl,
Ulrik Förster,
Picture credits
Elke A. Jung-Wolff, Copyright Camonsite
restaurants: 88325209 Maksim Toome /
hotels: 232253191 romakoma /
flags: 179815784 Markus Pfaff /
champange: 146650742 Juan Nel /
orang-utang: 198517937 tristan tan / (also front page)
Street: L.que, Elke Hartl
laptop: 316452626 Jacob Lund/
training: 261534164 Matej Kastelic/
orang-utang: 286193159 Odana Images /
clover leaf: 151402202 Sonja Calovini /
Illustration hands: 152461973 bymandesigns /
windmill: 124989440 Paul Michael Hughes /
Schedule: 318471329 ESB Professional /
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The operator of this site has checked the quality of the content of this website with the greatest possible care. However, the operator of the site does not warrant that the content is correct, complete, and up-to-date. Contributions bearing the author’s name reflect the opinions of the respective authors, and not always the opinions of the operator.
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